Fort Edmonton Park is recruiting Indigenous people for the summer:
Indigenous Peoples Interpreter: https://recruitment.edmonton.ca/.../Indigenous-Peoples... Indigenous Peoples Interpreter Recreation Technician: https://recruitment.edmonton.ca/.../Indigenous-Peoples... Indigenous Peoples Interpreter Recreation Technician: https://recruitment.edmonton.ca/.../Indigenous-Peoples... The November 28, 2021 newsletter has been mailed to members ![]()
The Pendleton Blanket
The Circle of Life blanket honours Tribal Elders who teach that all things are interrelated and an equal part of the whole. It is a reminder that we are all children of the earth, and we all share an equal place in the circle. The four sacred colours - yellow, red, black, and white - represent the four directions of humankind and when mixed together create brown, the colour of Mother Earth. The east represents the sun and is yellow. The south represents the warmth and vitality of lifeblood and is red. The west represents the darkness in the night sky and is black. And the north signifies the purity of snow and is white. Each direction also represents a stage of life. East symbolizes birth, south the vitality of youth, west the maturity of experience and north the wisdom of age. The Circle of Life blanket includes blue for the sky and green for the Earth. CHIEF AND COUNCIL CONTACTS CHIEF GIL GOERZ [email protected] or [email protected] COUNCILLOR DAYLE CALLIHOO-CAMPBELL [email protected] COUNCILLOR DAN GODBERSEN [email protected] COUNCILLOR ROY GOERZ [email protected] COUNCILLOR BONNIE GORDON [email protected] *Website: michelfirstnation.com Email: [email protected] This has been another challenging year with the unexpected passing of Councillor Syd Courtepatte and the recent resignation of Councillor Mavis Callihoo. Councillor Syd Courtepatte passed away on January 16 and served on Council for seven years, most recently from 2016 until his passing. Syd took great pride in representing Michel First Nation, assisting members with genealogy, and teaching traditional crafts. His love of family was abundantly clear. His presence, stories, and traditional views are deeply missed. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has really put a damper on activities and resulted in the cancellation of the 2021 Annual General Meeting for the second year in a row. The health and safety of all members but especially children and Elders, guided this decision. Important updates will continue through the website, Facebook and mailouts. Nov. 17 brought very good news from Indigenous Services Canada. They have agreed to initiate preliminary discussions with the groups who represent different members of Michel First Nation and descendants. It has been made clear that all groups must come together and present a united front at these discussion tables. We look forward to working together for the benefit of all Michel members; past, present, and future. Michel First Nation / Friends of Michel Society applied for funding from the Alberta Residential Schools Community Research Grant program and the proposal was recently approved. Michel First Nation / Friends of Michel Society has applied to the Federal (CIRNAC) Residential Schools Missing Children Community Support Funding and the proposal is under review. Funding under the Provincial Mental Health Support Program was applied for but has been denied. We continue to be accepted as intervenors by the Canada Energy Regulator (CER) on major pipeline projects. This allows us the opportunity to present Michel First Nation as a signatory to Treaty Six and to acknowledge that although we no longer have a land base, we are still an Aboriginal collective with Treaty Rights. These projects, which run through our Traditional territory, can and do have adverse effects on Michel members who continue to pursue the rights to hunt, trap, fish, pick medicines and gather in these areas. We are actively involved with the City of Edmonton in the various projects they are undertaking, particularly with any disturbance in the river valley. This includes the Light Rail Transit, excavations around the E.L. Smith Water Treatment Plant and at the E.L. Smith Solar Farm. EPCOR is also planning to build berms and/or retaining walls around the Rossdale and E.L. Smith Water Treatment Plants to protect these facilities against any flooding of the North Saskatchewan River which may occur in the future. We have participated in various meetings with the City of Edmonton and EPCOR. We have monitored at an archeological dig at the E.L. Smith Solar Farm near the Water Treatment Plant. The City is appreciative of the input Michel and other First Nations have provided to ensure respect for the land and traditions. We are involved with the Villeneuve Landing Network. The VLN is a collaborative community-based entity comprised of municipalities, First Nations, and local agencies. Their mandate is to develop and promote the Villeneuve Airport into an internationally significant center for commerce and major events. This will attract industry and manufacturing to the airport using the facility as a distribution center for their products. The Villeneuve airport is located on the former Michel Indian Reserve #132, and we have requested to be involved in this initiative as there will be some economic opportunities for Michel as the project develops. Chief and Council continue to represent Michel First Nation to local communities sharing our history and struggles to reinstate the Michel Band. Michel First Nation / Friends of Michel Society applied to the Indigenous Community Support Fund again this year for support for our membership who are suffering hardships due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The application was approved, and we will receive this funding in the next week or so. This is not a wage subsidy program and is designed to provide funding for food, transportation, cleaning supplies, Seniors support, child and family supports, and online learning support. An application form is included in this mailout. If you are eligible to apply and have not received COVID-19 Support Funding from any other First Nation source, please fill out the form and send it back to us. An application is available on the website. You can either scan & email it back to: [email protected] or mail to: Michel First Nation 22-53009 Range Road 20 Parkland County AB T7Y 2G8 We will process the application and send a cheque by return mail. *PROCESSING WILL BEGIN 2 WEEKS AFTER THIS MAILOUT* Councillor Sydney (Syd) Courtepatte passed away unexpectedly on January 16, 2021 while still actively serving Michel First Nation members on Council. Syd was a respected Elder and Knowledge Keeper. Syd helped many members with Michel family genealogy research. His unique perspective, many stories, and smile are sadly missed.
Remembering Sydney Courtepatte | Edmonton Sun The Line 3 Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee (IAMC) is inviting applications from qualified applicants in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba for a number of Indigenous Monitor positions. The IAMC is seeking to expand its roster of Indigenous Monitors to facilitate future monitoring activities along the Enbridge Line 3 corridor. The IAMC is seeking Indigenous Monitors that have experience out on the land, including traditional land use, cultural features, practices, and ceremony, combined with some knowledge or interest in learning about federal and provincial legislation and regulations pertaining to pipeline construction and operation, mitigation measures, and compliance related to matters of Indigenous interest. As an Indigenous Monitor, you will support the IAMC’s goal of integrating Indigenous knowledge, teachings, values, use of the land, oral traditions and worldviews into the monitoring, regulation, compliance, mitigation, remediation, and performance of the L3RP for the project lifecycle. In the coming year, the monitoring tasks will focus on Line 3 decommissioning activities in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Please see the attached poster for more information. If you are interested in applying, please submit your resume or summary of relevant experience to [email protected] by November 29th at 5:00pm PST. Eligibility: Applicants must be a citizen of one of the impacted Nations as identified by the Annex A of the Line 3 IAMC Terms of Reference. ![]()
Dear Michel First Nation members,
Chief: Gilbert Goerz
Council: Mavis Callihoo Dayle Callihoo-Campbell Syd Courtepatte Dan Godbersen Roy Goerz Bonnie Gordon Chief and Council have been working hard to process the COVID-19 Funding Application forms to ensure members who have applied, receive their funds. Please stay safe and healthy.
We have also received some Treaty Annuity requests in error, and COVID-19 Funding Applications have also been sent to Indigenous Services Canada in error. *Please note they are to be sent to two different email or mail addresses* We are also in close contact and have the support of Treaty 6 Chiefs. This is great news for MFN/FMS and we looks forward to strengthening our relationships with the Nations. We have also forged working relationships with the City of Edmonton, City of Spruce Grove, City of St. Albert and Strathcona County.
We continue to work with Government and proponents to forge stronger relationships and share our story. We hope this news brings some comfort and hope to the Nation. As always we work towards recognition for all our Treaty descendants. Please stay safe and healthy, be with loved ones (when allowed) and we hope you all have a safe and healthy Merry Christmas. E'tho niiohtonha'k ne onkwanikon:ra And now our minds are one Hiy hiy Chief and Council are taking a break from Dec 18 to Jan 8. We will be back in the new year and wish you all a healthy and happy New Year. |